Decoding Closing Costs
Senior Loan Officer
Jeremy Radcliffe
Published on July 28, 2023

Decoding Closing Costs

Decoding Closing Costs: A First-Time Homebuyer’s Checklist

Buying your first home is an exciting milestone. However, amidst the thrill of house hunting and making offers, there is one crucial aspect that often catches first-time homebuyers off guard: closing costs. Understanding and preparing for these expenses is essential to avoid last-minute financial surprises. Let’s break down the closing costs associated with purchasing a home.

Lender’s Closing Costs:

When securing a mortgage for your purchase, there are several fees you’ll encounter during the closing process. These lender’s closing costs typically include:

  • Loan Origination Fee: This fee covers the lender’s administrative costs for processing your loan application.
  • Appraisal Fee: An appraisal is necessary to determine the value of the property you are purchasing. The lender will most likely require an appraisal to ensure the value is a certain percentage over the loan amount.
  • Credit Report Fee: Lenders review your creditworthiness before approving a loan. The credit report fee covers the cost of obtaining your credit report.
  • Underwriting / Processing Fee: Lenders employ underwriters to evaluate and approve mortgage applications. The underwriting fee covers their services and ensures that the loan meets the lender’s guidelines.

Title Company Closing Costs:

Title companies play a crucial role in the closing process by verifying the property’s ownership and ensuring a smooth transfer of title. Here are common closing costs associated with the title company:

  • Escrow Fee: The title company often acts as an escrow agent, holding funds and important documents during the closing process. The escrow fee covers their services.
  • Title Search Fee: This fee covers the cost of researching public records to verify the property’s title history and ensure there are no liens or claims against it.
  • Title Insurance: Title insurance protects the buyer and lender against any unforeseen issues with the property’s title, such as undiscovered ownership claims or unpaid taxes. There are additional fees for coverage’s built into the title policy.

Unexpected Costs:

Aside from the lender’s and title company’s closing costs, additional expenses may arise during the process. These unexpected costs may include:

  • Home Inspection Fee: It’s highly recommended to have a professional home inspection before closing the deal. The home inspection fee covers the cost of a thorough examination of the property, identifying any potential issues or repairs needed.
  • Survey Fee: In most cases, the seller will have an existing copy of a survey. If not, you may be required to pay for a survey of the property’s boundaries. This fee covers the cost of hiring a licensed surveyor to measure and map the land.
  • Property Taxes and Prepaid Insurance: If including taxes and insurance as a part of your monthly payment, property taxes collected at closing will be based on your close date in addition to your full homeowners insurance premium plus a few months.

Being aware of these closing costs is crucial. By understanding and budgeting for lender’s closing costs, title company expenses, and unexpected costs, you can navigate the closing process with confidence and avoid unpleasant financial surprises. Remember to consult with your lender, real estate agent and title company contacts along the way to ensure a smooth and successful home purchase.

Senior Loan Officer
Jeremy Radcliffe Senior Loan Officer
Click to Call or Text:
(214) 699-6375

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